Real Estate
March 20, 2025
U.S. Existing Home Sales (February 2025)
Existing home sales rose 4.2% month-on-month (m/m) to 4.26 million units (annualized) in February. This was considerably better than market expectations, which called for a decline to 3.95 million. Sales were down 1.2% from February 2024. Unadjusted sales were down 5.2% year-on-year.
March 18, 2025
U.S. Housing Starts and Permits (February 2025)
Homebuilding bounced back in February, almost completely offsetting January's slump. The longer-term picture shows a housing market that appears to be in a relatively stable, albeit cautious state, with single family starts down 2.3% year-on-year (y/y), while multis are down 4.6%.
December 09, 2024
Higher Rates Delay U.S. Housing Recovery, But Some Improvement Expected in 2025
After declining through the spring and summer, 30-year mortgage rates rebounded back near 7% this autumn on the back of rising bond yields. Strong economic data and policy-related uncertainty – notably around the new administration’s use of import tariffs – have been key catalysts behind this rate backup. As such, further upward pressure on rates in the near term can’t be ruled out.
August 28, 2024
U.S. Housing Market – A Path Back to Affordability
The U.S. housing market has undergone significant changes in recent history – going from an unprecedented level of home affordability in the aftermath of the 2008 housing crisis, to a current state of unaffordability not experienced within the last 20 years.