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U.S. Vehicle Sales (June 2024)

Andrew Foran, Economist | 416-350-8927

Date Published: July 3, 2024


U.S. vehicle sales disrupted by cyberattack in June

  • U.S. vehicle sales fell 4.0% month-on-month (m/m) to 15.3 million (annualized) units in June – well below consensus expectations for 15.8 million units.
  • Unadjusted sales volumes were 1.32 million units or 3.4% below year-ago levels. The average daily selling rate (DSR) was 50,844, down from June 2023's 52,643 – both calculated over 26 days.
  • Passenger vehicle sales fell 10.0% year-on-year (y/y) while sales of light-trucks were down 1.7% y/y. Light-trucks accounted for 81% of last month's sales, slightly below its year-ago 82% share.   

Key Implications

  • Light vehicle sales in June were weighed down by a cyberattack at CDK Global, a company which offers dealer management services for over 15,000 dealers in the U.S. and Canada. This likely subtracted tens of thousands of additional sales from the June total, however CDK Global has announced that the disruptions have been largely resolved, which will likely boost sales for July.
  • Despite the cyberattack, a combination of stable supply levels, falling vehicle prices, and rising incentives pushed sales up 2.1% year-on-year in the first half of 2024. Volumes should continue to grow in the second half of the year with real incomes, even though financing rates remain high. While the Federal Reserve is expected to begin gradually reducing interest rates later in the year, this will likely provide more of a lift to sales in 2025 than 2024.       
