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Urban Forests: The Value of Trees in the City of Toronto

Craig Alexander, SVP & Chief Economist | 416-982-8064

Connor McDonald, Economist

Date Published: June 9, 2014



  • Urban forests are made up of the trees, shrubs and other flora and fauna that line the streets, parks and ravines of our cities.
  • Urban forests do more than beautify the scenery. They represent an important investment in environmental condition, human health and the overall quality of life.
  • The trees in the City of Toronto’s urban forest are worth an estimated $7 billion, or about $700 pertree.
  • Toronto’s urban forest provides residents with over $80 million, or about $8 per-tree, worth of environmental benefits and cost savings each year. For the average single family household, this works out to $125 of savings per annum.
  • For every dollar spent on annual maintenance, Toronto’s urban forest returns anywhere from $1.35 – $3.20 worth of benefits and cost savings each year.
  • Maintaining the health of our urban forests is the best way to protect the value of our green investment.

Full report in PDF format is available here.
