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Canadian and U.S. Millennials: One of These is Not Like the Other

Beata Caranci, SVP & Chief Economist | 416-982-8067

Diana Petramala, Economist | 416-982-6420

December 1, 2015 |


  • Compared to their American counterparts, Canadians aged 25-34 years old exhibit better outcomes with regard to the labour market, homeownership and net wealth.
  • Improved outcomes among women explain a large part of the relative economic success of millennials in Canada.
  • Different stages of the housing and economic cycle also appear to be a key differentiating factor. As U.S. job creation and home prices outshine over the next few years, some degree of economic convergence is likely to take place between Canadian and U.S. millennials.

Full report in PDF format is available here.
